Archer Wiki
Archer Wiki

Hazel "Hank" Murphy is the captain of Cecil Tunt's underwater laboratory and has missiles tipped with VX nerve gas. He was killed when he was crushed by an off-brand soda machine, "just like the gypsy woman said". The soda machine was branded "GOZ," a reference to Harry Goz who was the voice actor for Captain Murphy on Sealab 2021. His death is a reference to the Sealab 2021 episode "All That Jazz," in which Captain Murphy is trapped under a "Bebop Cola" machine.


  • Captain Murphy is a reference to a character of the same name in SeaLab 2020 and the parody reboot Sealab 2021.
  • The backdrop in Captain Murphy's station is the same backdrop used in Sealab 2021.
  • Captain Murphy attempts to fix his monitor by slamming a wrench on the control panel, another reference to Sealab 2021.