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Cyril Figgis (voiced by Chris Parnell) was an ISIS comptroller and field agent. For season five, he was briefly the President of San Marcos. Cyril is a rigid, unerring company man and Sterling's easiest and usual target for ridicule and humiliation, usually without Cyril's knowledge.


Cyril's exact age is unknown, but judging by his dress style and the grey streaks in his hair, he is roughly in his mid to late 40's.

Bookish, awkward and lacking self-confidence, he is jealous of Sterling's career, charisma and provocative lifestyle. Cyril was dating ISIS agent Lana Kane, Sterling's former girlfriend, but they had a "falling out" after she walked in on him having sex with Framboise. It has been implied that he is extremely well-endowed, with Cyril going so far as to attempt to get his medical plan to cover a "penis ensmallment" as discovered by Cheryl and Pam in "Training Day". Cyril claims to suffer from sexual addiction, and has attended meetings of Sex Addicts Anonymous. He avoids consuming alcohol because it tends to exacerbate his condition.

His lack of confidence stems from his inability to please his father. During "Tragical History" Cyril recalls a particularly painful memory of wetting his pants during a spelling bee when he attempted to spell the word "onomatopoeia" in front of his father, resulting in his father's apparent disappointment of him for the rest of his life.

Cyril is the father of the wee baby Seamus. When Trinette McGoon slept with both Cyril and Archer, they both used a chocolate bar wrapper to imply they were using a condom (as Trinette assumed the candy bar wrapper was a condom wrapper). Cyril's parentage of Seamus was verified when his blood was switched for Archer's in "Blood Test", which tested positive in the paternity test


Cyril having just slept with Trinette and possibly conceiving Seamus.


Cyril's mother died in a fire; his father is the superintendent of a small district in Cyril's hometown.

Sexual Addiction

Despite Cyril's apparent dedication to Lana during their relationship, he actually cheated on Lana many times. At least ten sexual partners have been confirmed, including:


  • "Jeezy-petes" - Tragical History
  • Cyril: "Because I happen to be a kick-ass accountant!"
    Spelvin: "Did that sound a lot better in your head?"
    Cyril: "Yeah." - Tragical History
  • "Just jackin it, on the telephone." - El Secuestro
  • Meekly saying: "Hello"- Most Episodes
  • "SUPPRESSING FIRE!!!" (While in battle)
  • You know...Just Jackin' it.
  • "7, 6, 2 Millimeter, Full Metal Jacket." (Upon contemplating suicide in a bathroom.)


  • Stuart Fierman๏ปฟ served as the model for Cyril.
  • In "Jeu Monรฉgasque," he has $9,059 in his ISIS 401(k), due to borrowing $3700 from it and giving the amount over to Cheryl. Cheryl subsequently burns it, as seen in El Secuestro, when Cyril confronts her over returning the amount to him. Cheryl claims to not have it, telling Cyril that it has been an "extremely volatile year." Cyril asks if she is referring to the stockmarket, and Cheryl blows him off with a succinct, "Sure."
  • Cyril had been shown to have little to no ability in using a gun, accidentally shooting Brett in the stomach when not realizing the gun safety was off, as well as accidentally killing a KGB agent in the middle of a crucial interrogation by Lana. He does have acceptable aim with small firearms however as seen in "Training Day" where he is able to hit a target being held up by Woodhouse, and in "Tragical History", where he able to shoot the computer containing the decrypted files of ISIS field agents. He has a bad habit of closing his eyes when he shoots, probably because of his lack of confidence and aversion to violence, and of accidentally firing his gun at inopportune moments.
  • While more than once expressing hatred towards his co-workers, Cyril has an openly elevated level of hatred for Sterling, often reciting the many ways he'd enjoy seeing him die. This extends to Cyril's "usual" computer passwords; phrases in which Sterling would die.
  • Cyril is proven to have some trilingual ability as he spoke fluent Spanish in "El Contador" and German in "Placebo Effect".
  • Despite his lack of confidence, Cyril's ego has a tendency to over-inflate in moments of glory, which typically leads to aggravating those around him and ending in disaster.
  • Cyril does show some skill as a field agent, as seen in El Contador. While inept with both firearms and hand-to-hand combat, he is able to make quick tactical decisions and quickly think up convincing cover stories to hide his identity, able to keep the facade going until he revealed himself with Lana to back him up.
  • Cyril was shown to be on the chubby side prior to Space Race: Part I, when he appears considerably more muscular. Cyril's physique continued to improve over the course of season 4, becoming trimmer and more physically fit.
  • Despite his sexual addiction being a major recurring gag for season 2, it was never mentioned nor appeared again in seasons 3 through 5
  • A running gag is that Cyril rarely gets a person's sarcastic or over-exaggerated remarks.
  • Cyril has a tracking device implanted into his body. Lana admits that she put it there in the episode "Training Day" due to her trust issues. The location of this device, as well as the device itself, have not come up again since season 1.
  • In addition to being fluent in law practices, Cyril is also a skilled military strategist; during his brief period as the president of San Marcos, he was able to lead the country to near-victory over the Rebel armies. He claims this is a result of him being an avid Warhammer player.
  • Cyril doesn't remember the names of his parents, due to Krieger's meddling.
  • Cyril has a 12-inch penis. At one point he attempted to file an insurance claim for a "penis ensmallment".
  • "Vision Quest "marks the first reference to Cyrils sexual addiction since season 2

Gallery of Images

There are 172 images of Cyril Figgis on this Wiki, visit the Cyril Figgis gallery to view all the images and screenshots. Here is a sample of four images from the gallery:
