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FranceMatin Logo

Logo for France Matin

France Matin is a popular French magazine in the spy world. It translates to France Morning. An issue featuring ODIN agents has been spotted twice. A second issue featuring satellites is seen later.

This magazine is a reference to the popular French culture magazine Paris Match, whose logo it copies.


Three different issues of the magazine are seen throughout the Archer Universe. Below are three issues arranged by their featured stories.

Archer France Matin

ISIS: Les espions les plus «sexy»![]

This article's featured story translates to ISIS: The sexiest spies! It is primarily seen in promotional materials for the show. This is the one with Archer and Lana on the cover.

The secondary article is:

  • Formula K: les dangers cachés
    which translates as Formula K: the hidden dangers.

ODIN: Les espions les plus «sexy»![]

This article's featured story translates to ODIN: The sexiest spies! It has two unknown ODIN agents on the cover. The secondary article is:

  • Formula K: les dangers cachés
    which translates as Formula K: the hidden dangers.

It is seen in "Honeypot" being read by Ramon Limon, Charles, and Rudy. The same issue is also seen in "Skorpio" as Nikolai Jakov is both reading it and using it to hide his face when he meets Malory at the airport.

The article on the back of the magazine is an advertisement for the "Rigid Airship Excelsior," which is a reference to the next episode "Skytanic" where nearly the entire episode takes place.


Entrez le Zenit[]

This article's featured story translates to Enter the Zenith. It has a satellite in Earth's orbit on the cover. The secondary story is hard to make out.

It is seen in "Job Offer" in Cyril's hands while he presumably looks at the pictures while he waits for Lana at ODIN headquarters.

It reappears much later in "Fugue and Riffs" in the hands of an anonymous woman at the pool while Lana is attempting to seduce Archer in his fugue state.


  • You can purchase a poster of the cover featuring Archer and Lana from the FX website.


Here is a gallery of images from each episode where the magazine is spotted.
